Life is good...and getting better everyday!!

Officially an "empty nester" learning to adjust to the flexiblity, freedom and carefree life style!!

It's all about me...NOW!! Well, almost!!

Life is good, keep it real!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Nature it's everywhere!!!

You don't even have to be out in the country to see nature, it's all around you just have to pay attention and take notice!!! I saw this little guy when I was walking up to the Lockheed Martin building for CPS class Tuesday night. He was digging and scampering around in the grass at the entrance of the building. He stood up on his back legs and held his treasure and look at me...of course, by the time I got my camera out I'd missed the really good shot. But, he was just so darn cute I had to get a picture!!

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