Life is good...and getting better everyday!!

Officially an "empty nester" learning to adjust to the flexiblity, freedom and carefree life style!!

It's all about me...NOW!! Well, almost!!

Life is good, keep it real!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bootsie is working toward a CPS certification!!!

In January Bootsie started Certified Professional Secretary (CPS) classes. What is CPS you ask, well let me explain!!!

There are three sessions, each are eight weeks long. The first session, Office Systems and Technology, that was a tough one (Bootsie is not techy), Office Administration (attending this class now) it's much easier!! Last but certainly not least is Management (will start in June). Then in October will take a test that last two days!! UGH!! Upon passing the marathon test, the letters CPS will appear behind my name! This will hopefully help advance "my career" (as I like to call it) to an executive level secretary, which will of course be financially gratifying!!

Being a glorified secretary wasn't my lifelong dream (still not sure what that dream was or is), but it's what I do and I do it well. So why not make the best of it and try to advance!!

Maybe one day after paying for the kid’s college and weddings I might try to go back to college and finish a degree I started back in 1977. Why oh why!!! didn't I listen to my daddy way back then...he told me he'd pay for my college if I'd just go!!! Well, I was like most kids at that age and didn't listen. I married my high school sweetheart!! Shouldn't have married so young, could have saved myself a lot of heartache had I waited until I was more mature!!! Oh well, water under the bridge!!! Live and learn...right!?!

2nd marriage in 1981 has been great with no regrets!! But, the girls are grown and the last one is planning to marry next year...after that who knows what Bootsie will do!!!

Life is good...

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