Life is good...and getting better everyday!!

Officially an "empty nester" learning to adjust to the flexiblity, freedom and carefree life style!!

It's all about me...NOW!! Well, almost!!

Life is good, keep it real!!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Beautiful weekend coming to an end...

Beautiful weather this weekend...

Mr. Husband working his tail off in the yard, mowing, mulching leaves, cleaning gutters and fertilizing, ended up with eight bags of leaves...every year he complains about the leaves!  But, loves the trees. Go figure!!

After a hard day of yard work and chores we sat on the patio with adult beverages and had a nice outdoor fire.  It was pleasant, but not romantic as I had hoped.  Very mundane and generic...oh well, being a hopeless romantic is a curse!!

Lost romance
Lost feelings
No touching
No special looks
No secrete signs
Nothing, zero, zip, nada, zilch...
It is a sad and unfulfilling way to live
Keeping it real!!

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