Life is good...and getting better everyday!!

Officially an "empty nester" learning to adjust to the flexiblity, freedom and carefree life style!!

It's all about me...NOW!! Well, almost!!

Life is good, keep it real!!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Boyfriend/girlfriend vs Husband/wife

Ever wonder how different marriages would be if husbands and wives treated each other like boyfriends and girlfriends?   Like in the beginning of a relationship when you're considerate of each others feelings and are on your best behavior.  Well, Bootsie is trying to test this theory...

Bootsie:  I would like to be treated like a girlfriend once a month?  What to you think?

Mr. Husband:  What?  You are my girlfriend.

Bootsie:  Key word "treated" like a girlfriend.  You know nothing elaborate like a fancy dinner or flowers (although that would be awesome), but that's not what I'm talking about.  Think simpler, like no "hey, pull my finger" and then farting in the kitchen or burping really loud while talking to me get the idea.  It really is the simple things...really it is!!

Mr.  Husband:   But those things are funny and I if I can't do them at home where else is there.  Besides I save the best you Babe!!

Bootsie:  Agreed, sometime those things are funny and we've had many laughs at inappropriate bodily functions.  However, one day a month control those actions...that's not asking too much is it?  One day a month turn music on instead of the TV.

Mr.  Husband:  Makes no comment!  :-/

Bootsie:  I'm not asking you to do anything I'm not willing to do too.  I'll treat you like a boyfriend one day a month too.  For example, I won't come home and immediately change into ratty comfy clothes and pull my hair back in a ponytail (don't care if you think it's cute). We'll have a candle light dinner in the dining room with pretty plates, wine and dessert.

Mr. Husband:  No comment, again! :-/

At this point I'm beginning to wonder what it will take for Mr. Husband to get the message...obviously gentle hints and suggests are lost on him.  Or are they?  He is a man of few words, so maybe, just maybe he is processing and contemplating his next move.  One can only hope...

If there is one piece of advice for all couples to remember it is this:

Never stop courting your wife and never stop flirting with your husband

A special person in my life has told me one than once:  "Never give up"

Life is good, keep it real!!

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