Life is good...and getting better everyday!!

Officially an "empty nester" learning to adjust to the flexiblity, freedom and carefree life style!!

It's all about me...NOW!! Well, almost!!

Life is good, keep it real!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Anitque car show...

Saturday night, Mr. Husband and I are driving down Camp Bowie headed for the liquor store to order a keg for a party next weekend. On the way we spot an antique car show in the parking lot of a BBQ restaurant.

Bootsie: Let's stop and look around.

Mr. Husband: What? Stop? (he's not real spontaneous).

Bootsie: Yeah, let's go look around, it's a pretty evening and it looks like fun.

Mr. Husband: Well, okay.

So there we are walking around looking at all the cars, systematically of course, we start at one end and wind our way to the end. System works pretty good, until Bootsie decides to take pictures only to realize the camera is in the truck.

Bootsie: I want to take pictures.

Mr. Husband: What? Pictures, um okay.

Walked all the way back to the truck to get the camera and started randomly taking pictures.

Mr. Husband: You gotta take a picture of this one with the little guy leaned up against the bumper.

Bootsie: Okay, that is cute.

Mr. Husband: You gotta get the old antique car with the tractor seat on the front...

Bootsie: Um, okay.

Mr. Husband: Oh, and this one with the...

Before Bootsie knew it we were all over the parking lot going from one end to the other and back to the other much for the system!! Just saying...

Bootsie: Okay, I have enough pictures.

Mr. Husband: Okay, are you sure? Did you get the 1931 truck? and the 1947 Bonnie and Clyde car? And what about the pretty blue one?

Bootsie: Yes, let's go in and have a beer and a snack.

Mr. Husband: What? Go in? (you know Mr. Spontaneous) Um, okay.

We go in sit at the bar and have a cold beer, first time in Bootsie's life she says "God, that's good" about a beer!!! Thought Mr. Husband was going to fall off his bar stool!!

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