Life is good...and getting better everyday!!

Officially an "empty nester" learning to adjust to the flexiblity, freedom and carefree life style!!

It's all about me...NOW!! Well, almost!!

Life is good, keep it real!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hussle and Bussle of the Holidays!!

This is not Bootsie's favorite time of year...don't get me wrong I love Christmas, it's the cold winter weather that I don't like!!  And of course, the busy season can be a little stressful, between parties, gift buying, baking, decorating etc...the list goes on and on!!

However, things have gotten easier over the years.  Now that the kids are grown and appreciate all the work that goes into the holiday I can relax and enjoy the holidays more!!  A couple of years ago we decided to draw names, so that's made it a lot easier, not only stress wise but also financially!  It was so hard not to buy a gift for all my I improvised and fill up their stockings!!  So I still get to buy for each kid and its all fun'd be surprised what you can get into a stocking!!

I love all the parties and I do have a few, Bonco Bitches, Keno Ladies, friend's Christmas parties etc...they're all good parties and do my best to make them all!!  Yes, I do love a good party and any excuse to drink wine and eat good food...hmmmm, what could be better?

Looking forward to Christmas Eve at my brother's house, we're doing Mexican food!!  Yummmm!!!

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