Life is good...and getting better everyday!!

Officially an "empty nester" learning to adjust to the flexiblity, freedom and carefree life style!!

It's all about me...NOW!! Well, almost!!

Life is good, keep it real!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hussle and Bussle of the Holidays!!

This is not Bootsie's favorite time of year...don't get me wrong I love Christmas, it's the cold winter weather that I don't like!!  And of course, the busy season can be a little stressful, between parties, gift buying, baking, decorating etc...the list goes on and on!!

However, things have gotten easier over the years.  Now that the kids are grown and appreciate all the work that goes into the holiday I can relax and enjoy the holidays more!!  A couple of years ago we decided to draw names, so that's made it a lot easier, not only stress wise but also financially!  It was so hard not to buy a gift for all my I improvised and fill up their stockings!!  So I still get to buy for each kid and its all fun'd be surprised what you can get into a stocking!!

I love all the parties and I do have a few, Bonco Bitches, Keno Ladies, friend's Christmas parties etc...they're all good parties and do my best to make them all!!  Yes, I do love a good party and any excuse to drink wine and eat good food...hmmmm, what could be better?

Looking forward to Christmas Eve at my brother's house, we're doing Mexican food!!  Yummmm!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cat named Dog goes to heaven

Very sad day for Daughter #1, her 21 year old cat she named Dog, went to heaven last night.

Daughter #1 got a kitten when she was 14 years old, she named her Dog.  She was a little thing, a mixed bread of calico and who knows what else.  Cute little thing and lo and behold a couple years later Dog had kittens on the 4th of July.  Of course, Daughter #1 decided her daddy and two younger sisters needed a new kitten so she called us and describes all the kittens to us, we chose one sight unseen!!  We named her Savannah, she was white with black feet, ears and tail and the most beautiful blue eyes you ever saw!!  Somewhere in the mix there was a Siamese in the blood line, because Savannah was Siamese. 

Little did we know at the time these cats would have such long live spans.  Savannah lived for 18 years, she went to kitty heaven in 2010 just before Thanksgiving.  Now her mama, Dog has gone to heaven she was 21 years old.

Both went to heaven by way of the vet's hand.  Our vet told us the only way a cat can live that long is with lots of love and good care.  We were all gathered around Savannah when she passed, it was peaceful and I truly think she was ready, she was tired. :-(

Friday, December 9, 2011

DIY Project - Island table

This is how it started...plain unfinished cabinet!!

Stained cabinet...a working progress!!

The finished project...beautiful!!

It all started when Daughter #3 moved out and we gave her the table and chairs in our breakfast area.  Mr. Husband and I decided instead of buying another table and set of chairs we'd build one.  I wanted more storage and he liked the island/table idea, we had seen one at a friend's house...the seed was planted and it grew from there!! 

After three trips to three different home improvement stores a cabinet was finally chosen!!  The process went something like this:

Monday night:  bought and stained the cabinet
Tuesday and Tuesday night: table top was built and tile bought and place on table top
Wednesday night: grout was done
Thursday night: grout drying
Friday: sealer was applied and there you have it a finished island tile top table.

Mr. Husband and I really had fun doing this DIY project together...he did most of the work (he-he)!  That's what happens when his work is slow and he has time on his hands!!  Now he's decided the kitchen counters and back splash would look good go big boy!!  I'm all about it!!  Could be a very productive winter if work continues to be slow!!  :o)

Bootsie is a very happy we have the task of finding the perfect bar stools to go with our beautiful new table!!  Have been to five different places and haven't found the perfect stools yet!!  UGH!!