Life is good...and getting better everyday!!

Officially an "empty nester" learning to adjust to the flexiblity, freedom and carefree life style!!

It's all about me...NOW!! Well, almost!!

Life is good, keep it real!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Charlie Pride - 75 years young and still going strong

It's funny how life throws things at you.  Mr. Husband and I were having dinner at his favorite Mexican restaurant and I was thumbing through the Fort Worth Weekly magazine and on the back page was an advertisement:

 Charlie Pride
Arlington Music Hall,
Saturday, February 1, 2014
7:30 - 9:00
O.M.G. I grew up listening to Charlie Pride and I've wanted to see him for years...well, guess what? 
Mr. Husband and I went to Arlington Music Hall and enjoyed Charlie Pride!!!  He played all his old songs and a couple of newer ones, the whole audience was on their feet clapping and singing every word along with him, myself included!!  It was great!!  Brought back many childhood memories.
Backing up a couple of hours before the show, we got there 6:00ish, Arlington Music Hall is an old movie theater that's been converted to a concert venue.  We went to the ticket counter and retrieved our tickets, the nice attendant told us there was a bar and snack bar in the back.  Cool, we'll go have a beer and wait for the show.   So off we go to the back for a beer...then we notice our surroundings!!
Mr. Husband:  I'll get us a beer.
Bootsie:  Okay
Mr. Husband:  Have you noticed we're the youngest people in here and the only ones drinking beer!!
Bootsie:  What? No, way...
Mr. Husband:  Yes, way.  Look around!!
Bootsie:  Ummm, oh well...
It was true!!  Looking around everyone else looked WAY older than us and they were drinking coffee from small white Styrofoam cups!!  Don't think I've ever seen so many men with "rugs" or women with furs and jewels, they were all dressed up for a "night on the town" like it was 40 years ago!!  Old people are so funny...
Closer to show time a few younger couples showed up and went to the bar for beer!!  I use the word "bar" very loosely, it was a table with a hutch set up in the corner of the room...CASH only!!  And the snack bar, basically a couple of  bigger tables set up with popcorn, candy bars, nachos, hot dogs, a high school concession stand!!  It was hilarious!!
It was a great adventure and we had a lovely night "out on the town", and I use that term loosely too, because the show was over by 9:00 so we were out in time to buy Texas Lotto tickets and were home by 10:00pm.  LOL!!  We're such "party animals"!!
Life is good, keep it real!!

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