Life is good...and getting better everyday!!

Officially an "empty nester" learning to adjust to the flexiblity, freedom and carefree life style!!

It's all about me...NOW!! Well, almost!!

Life is good, keep it real!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lean Cuisine for lunch...not a fan!!

Bootsie had a rough start to the morning, first alarm didn't go up with the second alarm!!  Which meant I was up 30 minutes later than normal.  UGH!! So needless so say, didn't have time to fix a proper lunch!  Made a hasty decision and grabbed this Lean Cuisine out of the freezer thinking it would be okay for lunch!!  Wasted 9 PlusPoints on this YUCKY frozen wanta be food!!

Never been a fan of frozen foods and don't buy many, confirmed again today why I don't buy them!!  The bright side is, Good Bootsie overruled Bad Bootsie and won, damn it!!  It went something like this:

Good Bootsie:  EW, this is awful.

Bad Bootsie:  Cool, an excuse to go out and splurge!!

Good Bootsie:  No, way Jose...

Bad Bootsie: Aw, come deserve it!!

Good Bootsie:  Again, NO, WAY JOSE!!! (screaming at myself at this point)

Good Bootsie won and ate the crappy frozen dinner and is looking forward to a nice healthy home made dinner tonight!!

Live is good!!

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