Life is good...and getting better everyday!!

Officially an "empty nester" learning to adjust to the flexiblity, freedom and carefree life style!!

It's all about me...NOW!! Well, almost!!

Life is good, keep it real!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Daughter #3 calls me at work, she is hysterical...

Daughter #3: "Mom there's a huge snake on the patio" she screamed while freaking out!!

Bootsie: "what does it look like?"

Daughter #3: "it's black, orange, yellow and BIG, what do I do?" "OMG!! it's moving, OMG!! What do I do?"

Bootsie: "Call animal control or the police department."

Daughter #3: "By the time they get here it'll be gone...OMG, it's moving again!!" "what do I do?"

Bootsie: "Call animal control...I'm at work what can I do?"

Daughter #3: "OMG, I can't see it...what do I do?"

Bootsie: Hung up and called animal control...they were there in 10 minutes!! Mr. Animal Control thinks it's a bull snake, harmless to human...unless you hurt yourself trying to get away from it!!

If Mr. Animal Control doesn't find Mr. Huge Snake that means for the next, oh probably forever we'll be leery of hanging on the patio!! Can't have that, we love hanging on the patio!! Man, this is certainly one disadvantage to having Husband working out of town!! Grrrr!!

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