6:43 am, sunrise
You would think getting up at 5:00 to be at work at 7:00 would be plenty of time, right?
5:00 am: Hit alarm clock, didn't hit snooze button. Actually got up!! WOW, won't have to rush this morning. Its nice to be able to ease into the day instead of, waking up and hushing around.
5:05 am: Let the dogs out.
5:15 am: Get in shower.
5:30 am: Turn on local news. Lay out clothes, start the morning process of getting ready.
5:45 am: Make lunch.
6:00 am: 20 minutes before time to leave, plenty of time. Almost ready, no problem.
6:05 am: have no idea what happen to that 20 minutes...it's a blur!!
6:35 am: Leaving 15 minutes later than my normal 6:20. Grumble, grumble, fussing at self for piddling and not leaving on time!! Grrrr...
6:40 am: Hit every frigging red light on Camp Bowie. And pounding the steering wheel does not make the light change any faster!!!
6:43 am: Sitting at a red light about to enter I-30 W going east still fussing at myself for getting side tracked and running late. I look up and see the most amazing, beautiful sunrise!! It stopped me in my tracks...
6:44 am: Think it was a sign from the "Higher UP" telling me to slow down and enjoy the moment!! Took a deep breath and watched the sunrise paint fabulous colors on the clouds before the brightness took over. It was a moment...
6:45 am: Then a Tom Petty song came on the radio that reminded me of one of my very best girlfriends and a weekend camping trip, so I called her!! Yep, at 6:45 I call her. We listened to the song and reminisced about the camping trip and laugh!!!
6:52 am: Pulled into parking garage.
6:58 am: Sitting at my desk...wasn't even late!! Life is good...
Life lesson: Make time to smell the roses, watch a sunrise, call someone you're thinking about or hug your dog!! But, whatever you do...Enjoy life!!!