Life is good...and getting better everyday!!

Officially an "empty nester" learning to adjust to the flexiblity, freedom and carefree life style!!

It's all about me...NOW!! Well, almost!!

Life is good, keep it real!!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Holidays 2019

Well, here we are post holidays, YEA!  2019 holidays were the worst on one reason, but a collective series of events.  Already wrote about Christmas and how I felt about it.  New Year's wasn't much better.  No one was feeling good, so it was very low key and all in bed by 10:30 me included, however I didn't sleep until the wee hours of the morning.  Everything just felt off kilter, not sure why...well, that's probably not entirely true I could definitely name a few reasons, but will save for another time.

However, it wasn't a totally bummer we drove to see Emma Jeter who was running 55 hours with a goal of at least a 100 miles with the Snowdrop Foundation and her Snowdrop, Gatlin!!  She was so happy to see us and loved on Gatlin and took pictures with him.  It was a lovely warm day and we thoroughly enjoyed the outing.  Emma is an earth angel, she has dedicated all her runs to Gatlin this year and gives him her medals and buckles. It's an amazing thing.  One day when he's older and fully understands the significance of it all he'll really appreciate it.  At five he doesn't get it, but his parents, grandparents and others get it...simply amazing!!

On another subject, I've been "shopping" around for a new church.  One I could really connect with, I've visited serval in the area and all are good with decent messages.  But, one day I read a post from a fellow classmate who said he had visited Open Door in Burleson and absolutely felt the love, support and warmth.  So I went to Open Door the next Sunday, it was amazing!  Troy Brewer the pastor is really incredible.  His preaching is spot on and relates to modern day life, there are times I think is he talking directly to me.  At one point, I thought "how'd he know what I was thinking and how troubled I am?"  I just knew when I looked up he'd be looking at me...LOL!!!  Anyway, today January 19 was my second Sunday attending.  And again, he spoke directly to me!!  I think I've found the connection I've been looking for.  Plus the bonus is I already have friends there.

Thank God for my friend that cried with me this morning, for no other reason than I was crying!!  God bless you my friend!! 

God is moving in my life, he is giving me strength to do what I have and need to do.  Hurting someone is so hard, I've always put others feelings ahead of my own and squashed my real feelings to avoid hurting others, but sometimes that is not the best way to handle a situation.  I deserve to be happy and so does husband, he is in denial and refuses to admit we're not happy. If we don't talk about it it doesn't exist, that's his mind set!!

I'm getting there and with God by my side He'll get me through it and the other person too, if they'll let him.

Well, gotta go for now.

Keeping it real!!  Life is short, live it!!