Life is good...and getting better everyday!!

Officially an "empty nester" learning to adjust to the flexiblity, freedom and carefree life style!!

It's all about me...NOW!! Well, almost!!

Life is good, keep it real!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Mermorial Day 2011

As we embark upon another Memorial Day and beginning of summer 2011, I would like for everyone to remember the real reason for this holiday.

Thank a soldier for their service!!

Bootsie's brother is in Afghanistan serving with the 181th Air National Guard a branch of the 136th Wing from the Naval Joint Reserve Base (formerly Carswell Air Force Base.

Proud to be an American!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stormy weather in North Texas

Bootsie's family and house were untouched!! Thank you Lord!! But, what a scary night in North Texas for others...three rounds of storms, several tornadoes and much damage!! We fared very well compared to our neighbors to the north. Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas were hit very hard and lives were lost. Prayers for everyone affected.

While the weather was going crazy and disrupting others, Bootsie, Mr. Husband and Daughter #3 were grilling fish on the patio preparing a delish dinner!! We were seeing the reports on the TV where possible tornadoes were touching down and huge hail was busting windows!! Finally, it hit me; O.M.G. I better call and check on some people!! Brother's girlfriend was in the bathroom with the cat, both scared to death!! Friends at Eagle Mountain Lake were safe but shaken. Daughter #1's mom was freaking out and scared out of her wits!! However, after all the worrying and near heat attacks, everyone was okay and no damage!! Amazing!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

TCC Police Academy Graduation

The awesome women of Police Academy #143...from left to right Sarah, April and Stephanie...

And she gets the diploma...

Boostie's Daughter #3 graduation from the police academy Thursday, May 19, 2011. Can't believe we now have an Officer Jones in the family. She is so excited to be finished and very anxious to start her career!!

As the mom of an officer, I'm a little worried. However, she is very well trained, has a good head on her shoulders and a very strong faith, so Boostie Mom is doing okay!!

She went through a lot to get to this point, beat all to hell during tactical fighting training, she has been OC sprayed, tased and learned to drive like a bat out of hell and knows how to use radar!! And that's just the tip of the ice berg!! So very proud of her!! Don't let her small stature fool you, she is one tough cookie!! She can put you down and trust me she will if need be!!